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21.07.2011 — 20 essentials

20 essentials is the name of the temporary store set to open in Knokke, an exclusive famous Belgian tourists' resort, from 15th July to 31st August. The project curators, Moniek Bucquoye and Joost Vanhecke, selected 20 products which - in their opinion as design experts - are deemed essential:

- This world constantly brings new products onto the market. Many of these products are created for mass consumption and especially for the economic benefits which ensue for the manufacturers. At the basis of �20 essentials� lay the conviction that only a few of these products are actually capable of making the difference and of bringing added value to our lives, says Moniek Bucquoye and Joost Vanhecke.

One of the products chosen is Big Table, designed by Alain Gilles for Bonaldo. It was picked for its original design which makes it an icon.

The temporary store will be located along Kustlaan, the most exclusive shopping street in Knokke, and its appearance will feature a strong artistic appeal. Visitors will not only be able to discover the selected products, but they may also purchase them on site. 


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