Doing business with the “Basic Interiors”? Easy!

You could be our agent, regardless of your present occupation, the profile of your company, or your own private business.

For more information please, contact us.

How to become our partner?

It’s simple enough. You are required to conclude an “Agent Agreement” on work as a free-lancer on behalf of an individual or the company.

In “Basic Interiors” there is also “exclusive contract for companies”. When concluding the contract, the Exclusive agent is entitled to promote all our products and services in all types of advertising.

Further additions to the Exclusive Agent’s pay take the form of bonus payment which depends on the sum of each client’s order.

The only term for the Exclusive Agent on service advertising by all available means (mail, print, link on a website, etc.), is that he will be limited in his contractual relationships with other companies in the part of interior services.

Together we are powerful!

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Website programming and support - Mikhail Turenko. Website design by Peter Solodov.