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EmmanuelleScandinavian feeling

02.05.2011 — Italian dining in Mexico

La Nonna is an Italian restaurant located in La Condesa. This project was made in collaboration between Cherem Serrano and DMG architects.

The design premise was to liberate the plan so the restaurant could take the most advantage of the 200 square meters local. The restaurant fuses its environment with simplicity. Incorporating the use of local materials, the floor is made of dark stone and is built unto the sidewalk, while the walls and ceiling are surrounded by red brick with special cutting on top of mirrors.

The mirror was placed in order to enlarge the space and create a game of light and shadows. The furniture is elegant and simple. In the center there is a bar with a pizza stove and a wood counter to sit and enjoy a nice wine. The services and the kitchen are placed in a second level connected with the ground floor by an elegant illuminated staircase. While going down to the main level, the architects created a playful mezzanine that catches the eye of the visitor by letting light in and setting a swinging chair, some books and a floor lamp.

The ceiling in the stair and main circulations is painted in black in order to emphasize the design of the red bricks placed in the restaurant area. The illumination is hidden within the bricks and creates a nice rhythm of light that accentuates the architects concern to integrate the architecture with the functional requirements.


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