Formex spring Fair had more exhibitors than ever before, 833 compared to 781 last spring. Formex also struck a visitor record with a total of 26 729 visits, an increase of 5% compared to last spring's record figures. Interest abroad continues to grow, the number of foreign visitors increased by 18%.
For four days, the Scandinavian home furnishings and gift industry met at Stockholm International Fairs in order to make this spring's shopping and see the latest trends.
Formex Spring attracted a record number of visitors from abroad with 1187 visitors, which is 180 more than last spring. Most visitors came from Finland with 536 compared with 482 people last spring. Next came Norway, with 149 visitors, compared with 126 in spring 2010.
- It is fantastic that we set so many records and the interest in Formex is only growing, says Chicie Lindgren, project manager, Formex.
Formex offered several presentations on trends in the Nordic countries, both from an international perspective with Vincent Gr'egoire, the trend firm NellyRodi in Paris and from a Nordic with Pejgruppen from Denmark and the Swedish Fashion Council.
The interest from the media hit a new record too, this year there were 904 accredited compared to 885 last year.
Formex Stockholm will be held twice a year, next fair takes place September 1 to 4 2011th
Source: interiornews.com.