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Shiki mirrorThe secret clubhouse

01.01.2011 — Minimal wood chair

MWC Minimal Wood Chair is a minimalist chair from solid wood, inspired by the experimental �Minimal Chair�, developed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1948. The chair is part of the FHNY Collection, which is a result from Florian Hauswirth�s artist residency from the Bernese Foundation for Applied Arts in New York.

The mechanical-functional finesse of a moveable backrest, implemented in wood only, improves the comfort of this novel small wooden chair. The furniture allows two different seating positions.

Another inspiration for the mechanical wooden chair was Shaker furniture. Shakers were ingenious craftspeople who, centuries ago already developed ball joints from solid wood.

The origin and lifecycles of materials was important to the designer, as well as the production methods of objects. 


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