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Elizabetha collection wins Ferdie AwardFlexible seating

27.12.2010 — Vuitton exhibition in Paris

Jean-Marc Gady stands behind the scenography of the exhibition Luis Vuitton & Paris which is staged at the Mus'ee Carnavalet right now. The Museum is the most Parisian of the capital�s museums.

The exhibition offers the visitor the treasures of Louis Vuitton�s heritage collections, juxtaposed with works from the museum�s collections or on loan from The National Library of France, The Decorative Arts or the City of Paris Historical library, situating the famous trunk-maker in the capital�s artistic and cultural history.

The exhibition opened October 13th and will be open until February 27th 2011.

Gady has designed the rooms in light, modern spirit with lots of straight lines.


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