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Honeysuckle colour of the yearTwo colored chair

10.12.2010 — X-travagant x-mas

Yesterday christmas started early for all design lovers in Rome.  A fascinating travel between art, fashion and design starts on from Piazza Pasquino and feature video installations by internationally known artists projected on the facades of historical buildings. Pascal Li`evre, Charles Sandison and Andrea Salvetti are among the artists. Also, other events and exhibitions will take place through out the Italian capital. One og them is the exhibition When in Tome by Fabrica, that will be shown at the Piazza dell�oro. The installations and exhibitions will be at display until the 8th of January. The project goes under the name In Vicolo Xmas, and has been developed and carried out by Secondome Edizioni and the art direction of Claudia Pignatale.


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