The toy store El conte de la Pilar, "Pilar's story" is located in matar'o, Barcelona. With an araa of 170 square meters, distributed between two floors, the store is a space for magic and surprises that seems to have sprung from a fairytale. There is a big rainbow and out of scale objects, all suggesting the world of the imagination. This idea, which is the main feature of the project, makes use of real elements to create an enchanting environment. The objective is to enter a new world that is attractive to children as well as adults. The facade consists of the frame of a mirror that marks off the interior and simultaneously invites the visitor to cross it to enter the shop. Another circular form joined to the arch contains the backlit logotype of the establishment. The visitor passes through the frame to a fantasy world, as in the children�s story of �Alice through the looking glass�. Together, these frontal elements act as the threshold, marking the frontier between our world and the world of fantasy. The colours that personalize the project are the lime-green already present in the frame of the front and pink fuchsia. Both contribute happiness, vitality and energy to the project, in addition to combining to the perfection with the surrounding white of the whole space. The above-mentioned colours give small touches of fantasy that are further complemented by the lighting.
- The principal user of the products sold in toyshops are children, but the space must be an attraction for persons of all ages. From the very first moment, we have tried to understand how children see the world in order to create a space which addresses their concerns. We have projected a space full of elements that will take adults back to their childhood, a period that we all have lived through, and in which children feel completely comfortable and at home, as if their dreams had come true, says the designers themselves.
Source: interiornews.com.