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26.06.2013 — Modified bentwood furniture

Otsuka, at Nendo, has designed the furniture collection Akimoku, for Edition Blue.  They took advantage of the works of Akita Mokko, a Japanese furniture maker, and modified them to emphasise the charm of the bentwood details.

- We turned the legs of a stool upside down and used them as the legs for a low table, and reused the legs of a dining table as the legs for a workbench-style table.  We painted the top of the backrest for the Akimoku Windsor chair in a variety of colours from the 720mm mark upwards, the height of a dining table. This retains the simple, natural finish of the chairs, but provides an unexpected visual delight when the chairs are pulled together at the table. We also changed the fabric for sofa cushions and made them reversible.


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