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Open bay house on Long IslandItalian kitchen in steel

10.12.2012 — Porcelain Christmas tree in Belgium

In the city of Hasselt, in Belgium, a Christmas tree is erected each year at the main square. This year the agency Mooz has, in collaboration with local resident, adorned the tree with white plates and cups. The tree is made up of around 5 000 items of crockery.

- At home we all have odd plates and cups which just don�t go with anything and as a consequence never find their way out of the cupboard. We noticed that friends and family also had �spare� plates hanging around the house. This was enough to get us thinking about a creative destination for these everyday objects. That�s how we ended up with a porcelain Christmas tree in the city of Hasselt (Belgium) �The Capital of Taste�. We decorated the tree with objects which would otherwise have remained invisible, Inge Vanluyd and Stefan Vanbergen at Mooz says in a statement.


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