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Big softieEasy Iso

14.10.2010 — Irregular and flexible

The word "cuezzi" in the dialect of the Italian region of Salento refers to naturally occurring, irregularly shaped rocks, and these are what inspired Luca Nichetto�s project of the same name. Nichetto�s Cuezzi is a modular seating system made of stone quarried near the town of Lecce. Cuezzi is Nichetto�s response to the design brief entitled  �Irregular-Exceptional�. The project�s irregular aspect can be found both in the form of the natural stone employed and in each of the 7 modules of which Cuezzi is comprised, which include seating components, flat surfaces and various accessories such as small tables and lanterns. The project is exceptional in regard to the myriad ways in which the system can be put to use. Cuezzi aims to describe the way in which people usually interact with objects made of stone, which customarily serve as seating; the project thus grows out of the natural act of sitting down on the steps of a church, on the rocks at the beach or on a stone in the countryside.


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