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Hand-blown glass tablePractical wine carafe

20.09.2012 — Islamic architecture in Madrid

In Madrid, Spain, the architectural studio Moremas has designed a house using traditional Islamic architectural techniques and motifs. In the middle of the house a central core functions as a vertical vent, which ventilates the rising warm air up through the building.

On each floor Moremas has made perforations of various depths through the balcony in the center of the house, through walls, shutters and indoor doors. These let in light and let air pass through. The perforations at the more private rooms are less deep and carry less sound from the rest of the house.

A spiral case carries the light through the house from a skylight in the roof.

Moremas has offices in both New York and Madrid. The studio was founded by Kenneth Kim and Paula Rosales.

Location: Madrid, Sparin
Budget: Confidential
Square Footage: 4 305 sqf
Project Scope: Interior/Exterior Renovation

Contributing Professionals:
Studio Eika: Computational Design Collaborator
Tomas Dalda: Structural Engineer
31: MEP Consultant
D-Fine: Technical Consultant
TGS: Topographical Survey
GMD: Geotechnical Survey
Comsa: General Contractor


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