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Simplicity and timeless designAn excellent companion for a lazy Sunday

02.04.2012 — Low key design

Susan Elo is a Helsinki-based designer, graduated from the University of Art and Design Helsinki with a Master of Arts degree. Currently she is an independent designer with the design office Muotoilu Elo in the Punavuori district in Helsinki.

She mainly work with interior and furniture design wtith main interests is working in close collaboration with various professionals. In architectural projects, architect Janne J"arvinen from New Layer architecture joins the team.

Together they have worked with such clients as Cappellini, Microsoft, Estlander & Partners, Lumi Accessories and Aviapolis Airport Area Marketing. We also work with private apartments and houses.

� First of all, I respect the natural resources, believe in simplicity and timeless design. My style of design has been called low-key, by the Finnish word �niukka�.


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