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Coral Reef Table Light win red dot award 2012Graphical paperboard with new functionality

29.03.2012 — SheLLf bookcase at Salone Internazionale del Mobile

An unusual path for SheLLf by the designer Ka-lai Chan. Created as a limited edition design object, it was then transformed into a standard product, thanks to this designer�s ideas and Kristalia�s technology.

This path will be more clearly presented at Salone Internazionale del Mobile, where Ka-Lai will show the limited edition collection of 10 pieces for the small bookcase and 50 for the medium-size bookcase.

Born in 1985, Ka-Lai Chan is a young Dutch designer who studied at the Utrecht School of the Arts. Founded in 1994, today Kristalia offers objects that stand out for their minimalist appeal, intended to meet the current everyday living requirements of younger consumers.


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