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SheLLf bookcase at Salone Internazionale del MobileDavid Trubridge at Pompidou Centre

28.03.2012 — Graphical paperboard with new functionality

The premium board product �White� from Korsn"as, is usually used by creative designers to utilize the best printability and formability in spectacular packaging solutions. In the �10 days� workshop, the paperboard has been given a completely new mission: being the product in itself.

In an ancient, small factory in V"axbo, linen is manufactured using old handicraft traditions. What would happen if this organic raw material is put in a new context? The challenge lies in letting such a cultural heritage meet todays designers and the graphical board on a new scene with new presumptions.

Evolve, designed by Emelie Astr"om, was created for bringing life in a big room. By adding light from the outside a shadow-play takes form both in the room and on Evolve. With inspiration from nature, paperboard folds and forms this product.

The product invites more than one way of use. You can fasten it in the ceiling, on the wall or on the floor. Evolve is in general made of paper but with a strong skeleton of linen.


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