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Flexible modular systemMoonlamp

27.02.2012 — The Lite chair gets a sequel in the form of a table

The table can  be fitted with a front panel in any fabric and color, or a black net. The front panel reinforces the integrity of the person sitting at the table and offers additional design possibilities. The Lite table is being launched in cooperation with Broberg &Ridderstrale, who was awarded Designer of the Year by the  magazine Residence.

"Tables in this category are often quite boring, so for us it was essential to create a table that was more interesting and more appealing than other tables in the market. To accomplish this voltage we assumed chair project, namely the angles of the seat, which inspired an exciting loop on the leg that makes little table stands out in comparison with other conference tables, "says Johan Ridderstrale, partner at Broberg & Ridderstrale. From Offecct.


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