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04.02.2012 — Globo at Cevisama

Globo show three news in Valencia, at the H2SHOW during the next Cevisama fair which will take place from the 7th to the 10th of February 2012.
The OLIVIA urinal (designed by Giulio Iacchetti) offers a visual, functional and technological synthesis of the design culture.
The GENESIS �lavabatoio� is the result of an original project developed by Creative Lab+, which had the idea of encompassing the dual role of a basin and sink within a single element so as to furnish different spaces exactly in the same way. A multipurpose object intended for different uses can be both beautiful and practical.
BOWL is the line of rounded, natural and beautiful washbasins and bathroom fittings. Elements that flit between art and industrial products, creating the perception of a creative flow in constant motion.


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