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Office from Aston MartinSeagull brings light

21.01.2012 — Desso carpet integrated into major art exhibition

Desso carpet tiles have been integrated into an installation artwork in Australia by one of the world�s leading contemporary artists. The exhibition, I Packed the Postcard in my Suitcase, by Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist has just opened at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) in Melbourne.
Pipilotti Rist is regarded as one of the world�s top ten contemporary artists and has shown in major exhibitions, biennales and festivals around the world, including the Venice Biennale 2005 where she represented Switzerland.
A central area in the exhibition includes Desso carpet tiles, arranged as organic platforms for visitors to rest on and immerse themselves in Rist�s magical kaleidoscopes of light and colour being projected onto the walls and ceiling. Rist�s exhibition is therefore not only about art, but about how interior spaces can be made to come alive, offering perspectives for architects and interior designers on the interaction of light and colour, and how each surface � walls, ceilings and floor � can be part of the design process. The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art is Australia�s leading contemporary art gallery.  I Packed the Postcard in my Suitcase, Rist�s first exhibition in Australia, is open to the public until 4th March 2012.


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