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Detail from YeffetHouse S � extension and conversion

03.01.2012 — For unexpected guests

Inspired by the warm hospitality of her Turkish in-laws, Rianne Koens conceived the Oturakast. The Turkish word for �sit� is otur, and the word for �stool� is oturak. This chest of drawers is intended for a Western interior that may not be furnished for receiving guests at short notice.
It consists of a stack of separate storage components with legs that fold out, turning drawers into stools. When visitors leave, you fold up the legs, stack the stools-cum-drawers and have a complete cabinet again.  Oturakast is a very flexible design. The drawers can be stacked in different ways, with more or less drawers, other sizes, configurations and colors. Therefore the next step should be that they would be available as separate drawers that can be combined as desired.
With Oturakast I tried to emphasize a positive aspect of Turkish culture and to translate it into a western design � the design is contemporary, elegant, practical, and ingenious, she says.


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