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GERA Leuchten at the ZOWEco compability

20.12.2011 — Le Berger reopens

At the beginning of 2010, the H^otel Le Berger was bought by Jean-Michel Andr'e for the hotel group that also owns The White Hotel in Brussels and the Ch^ateau de la Poste in Maillen. The restoration works took place some months later. The architect of the restoration project is Olivia Gustot. Martina Nievergelt from Switzerland was in charge of the interior design.
The owners tried to preserve as many elements as possible to maintain the cinematographic atmosphere of the decoration of the 30s. The emblematic features from the rendez- vous hotel have been maintained: a double elevator in order not to cross each other, an open bathroom, suggestive decoration, mirrors at the sides of the bathtub, etc. The hotel is being completely renewed in order to respond to XXIe century demands regarding comfort and safety.
Hence, Jean-Michel Andr'e wants to offer the visitors a stay in a mythical atmosphere from the past while guaranteeing present-day comfort. H^otel Le Berger will be a unique place in Brussels that has nothing to do with the clinical and generic decoration one often comes across in hotel chains.The hotel will count 50 rooms. On the ground floor, there is a restaurant, offering place for 60 guests. There will also be a terrace and a winter garden. The menu is in accordance with the culture of this old Brussels neighbourhood. The reopening of the hotel is on the 28th of January 2012.


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