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An extreme cold chamber from HI-MACSNews from Munna

11.12.2011 — Twisted iron seat

The Megawave by Dunja Weber is an outdoor seat made of intertwined wrought iron bars. To carry out this plan it has been necessary to make the most of the malleability of the red-hot iron in order to put the textile technique into an oversize scale, intertwining horizontal and vertical iron sections. Using the strength of the hammer and a great manual skill, the 2 cm sections have been transformed into 7 cm large strips to create a comfortable seat. As if by magic, unlike textile fibres that stay soft, the iron sections, once they are cooled, become stiff again and create an extremely solid frame. The seat Megaweave is created with only six rings intertwined in this way, a lot of sweat and artisanal ability.


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