25 products and 25 interiors carefully selected from the 230 projects nendo has created in its 10-year history, shown in a solo exhibition at the Roppongi AXIS Building in Tokyo. The exhibition, which occupied the AXIS Building's two gallery spaces, outlined the concepts and processes for each design. We stacked transparent, hollow carbonate sheets to make a wall in front of each item displayed. This created a pixelated effect, and meant that viewers had to go around the back of each 'wall' to see the work. The degree of pixelation varied with the angle through which viewers looked through the polycarbonate, providing a constantly changing vision of the work as viewers moved around the gallery space. Some 'walls' overlapped, creating an exhibition environment in which the view changed like a kaleidoscope. The exhibition will go on between Dec 8th and Dec 13th.
Source: interiornews.com.