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Unconventional Furniture at ImmRight angles in glass

26.11.2011 — Enlightened little brothers

When this year�s winner of Time to design � new talent award, Milia Seyppel, began her stay at the Danish Art Workshops her intention was to explore the industrial aesthetic and transfer the special forms and lines to a group of new design objects. From 24th November the result can be seen at Normann Co­penhagen, where Seyppel exhibit a series of lamps under the title Petits Fr`eres. �Their forms are inspired by early machines and industrial architecture. Each is individual in character and personality, while remaining a part of the family entity. Aside from the dif­ference in form and color, there is a diversification of switch mechanisms, each in accordance with the shape and function of the lamp. The lamps can be seen as siblings, alike and at the same time very different.�, Milia Seyppel explains.


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