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Lezando Lamp Nr.3The Natura Collection enlarges

10.11.2011 — Complex House

Tomohiro Hata Architect and Associates has created The Complex House where they have examined a row of small rooms towards the depth on demand of a client who wants many small rooms. After the order fixed, they examined each width depending on suitable scales of the rooms. Then they edited composition of the sections, which melt together or overlap each other on the first floor and are integrated in the space for the family. The house has five roofs that pitch in opposing directions; this alternating roof creates a series of triangular windows on the first floor of the two-storey residence. Come to think of it, a family is the smallest unit of social groups and to build a house like this way might be natural consequence and effective way in the time that individuality is naturally respected among his or her family, says architect Tomohiro Hata.


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