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31.10.2011 — College trunk for Oxford

In the collection of Oxford furniture � a work between Oxford and Halo Licensing � there is The Oxford Student Trunk Collection. Students have been using trunks to transport their belongings to and from their colleges and around the world for centuries and frequently the same trunk has been used by successive generations as they have "come up" to Oxford. The University has a long tradition of drawing young men and women from every continent to study, and particularly in the age before modern air travel, the trunk was a practical and sturdy tool to help them do this. Once they arrived at their rooms in college, the trunk was also a useful item of furniture, used to store belongings, act as table, or even a seat. The University of Oxford Student trunk range has been designed to reflect the multiple uses that trunks have been put to over the years, and continues the long tradition of craftsmanship and durability that has made them so invaluable to Oxford students.


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