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Garden safariCompact sleeping from Cinova

27.10.2011 — Inspiration from Monet

Giverny is a new carpet by French designer Perrine Vigneron, in which structure, material and colour are the main features. Giverny has been inspired by the work of Claude Monet, one of the most famous artists from France, and it has been named after the village where he produced many of his famous paintings, like �Water Lilies�.

What makes Giverny unique is how it plays with light. Its surface consists of coloured yarns. The colours are used at random, without a preconceived plan, so that each m^2 is different. This special design constantly gives Giverny a different look. As soon as light plays with the colours, it�s as if they wake up and the intensity and composition of the colour scheme changes. Giverny is available in two pile heights, 25 and 40mm, and it is 100% wool.


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